So both conventions are over, what are your thoughts?
I can tell you mine if you want to continue reading
Last night I think that the DNC sent a very strong message of patriotism and tolerance, two things that usually are not found on the same party, but the Democratic Party of 2016 has made some radical changes and when you see a four star general on stage giving a speech as if he were a drill Sgt. and what a speech that was, then you know that something different happened. I truly did appreciate the two Pakistani Muslim parents that spoke about their children and help book of the Constitution in his hand and saying that he would borrow it to Donald Trump.
I have absolutely no idea if Donald Trump has read the Constitution, I believe he may not but that is pure speculation, however the message on that stage last night was very strong.
Everything looked great in my personal opinion until Chelsea Clinton came on stage and basically slows everything down, it was an inappropriate speech, it was too slow to lagged in her words and she was simply not herself at all.
I really was not 100% impressed by Hillary Clinton’s speech as well, she also was very bland and calm, I was expecting her to be a little aggressive when touching base with Donald Trump that didn’t happen and therefore I would say that the whole convention went great and they definitely scored many points above the RNC, but Hillary and her daughter kind of put me off, but just me, no one going to change my opinion just because they were not aggressive enough in giving a speech. I want to look at the programs, I want to see what they have to offer, I want to know in detail how informed they are when it comes down to politics domestic and foreign, I don’t care if they attack one another, childish, that is something that I don’t even look at.
As you can see I am still undecided I am leaning towards one of the candidates but not enough to say that I’m actually convince and that I will give them my vote!