It seems like yesterday, but 5 years ago today Osama bin Laden was located and killed
To be honest if you had told me minutes before that the president of the United States was going to go on a live broadcast on every national channels radio and television to announce that American special forces and located the compound of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan and eliminated, I quite frankly would have never believed it. But when I saw the president giving a short three minute speech, I have to say I was very impressed first of all on how the operation was organized and how it took place, but most of all the incredible secrecy that surrounded the whole operation that was going on therefore being organized for months prior to the actual blitz.
As we speak I’m preparing a video that remembers this historical moment on the Thomas F. Cheng YouTube channel, but I really haven’t updated that much recently but from now onwards I thought I would post an original video at least once every other week seen as I have thousands of followers on all my social media pages and therefore it’s a good thing not just to discuss and debate but at the same time to post some videos created by me and my staff that I’m sure you will find a great interest.