Breaking news: Twitter just announced it will charge Donald Trump $1000 per stupid Tweet

I’m just kidding obviously, but you have to say that the title actually drag you into the article LOL.
There is quite a lot going on in the world right now, but even so, Donald Trump is always the top of the news. Today’s Tweet Where he openly bashes Japanese car industry Toyota, I’m gone around the world, basically like every stupid thing he says goes around the world.

Anyway, getting back to Toyota, stop by the way has invested $22.7 billion in our country since 2007, is very worried regarding the childish remarks on our next president to be. The Japanese car industry is actually quite disturbed from these remarks and if we take into serious consideration that 81% of all Japanese vehicles that are sold in the United States are actually made in the United States, then maybe Donald Trump should actually read up and pull a few statistics before he makes a complete fool of himself once again.

I find this very strange that our president elect goes around bashing people for moving their factories out of the United States, when 97.6% of everything that he buys and sells comes from outside of the United States, his factories or house of the United States.

So my next question would be, is he going to super Himself for taking jobs out of the United States? Always going to have a file and double standard president?

He is also urging his supporters to come to the January 20 hooray when he is sworn in, and it seems there are more Anti-Trump supporters that will be attending the actual Trump supporters, the President-elect is absolutely aware of this, he knows for a fact he will be booed when he is sworn in, so if you are a Donald Trump supporter, run to Washington and do everything you can to overcome the booing!