Can we talk about something else today?

Not really, see, if Trump keeps screwing up, all the rest of the world news is basically left to the side and considering he screws up every moment of the day, well…
…Lets talk about Trump again shall we!

He’s taken a few slaps left and right this week, the biggest lash-back was from his supreme court judge pick Neil Gorsuch. Maybe the POTUS should have picked a judge/puppet instead of someone that actually uses his brain and will defend the constitution.

I wonder how many chairs the Prez broke in his tantrum after hearing about Neil Gorsuch words? How many people did he insult in his inner-ring? I wonder why he never took to twitter and called Neil Gorsuch “Overrated and Sad”.

Talking about Twitter and the official “White House” twitter account!… Trump attacked Nordstrom for dropping his daughters products. Nordstrom, however was very clear, that the reason to drop Ivanka Trump’s clothing line was due to the very poos sales in the past year. Basically since her dad started to run for president LOL.
I wonder if he’ll ever take the blame for that!