He won, No, She won, No, wait a minute… Who Won!??

So, you all got to see the CNN debate now didn’t you? Trump vs Clinton in the battle for the White House.
Well, I was one of the 85,000,000 Americans watching it as well. It opened up my mind a little and I got to see under the skin (in some moments) of both candidates. I was impressed on how Hilary kept her cool, while Donald was easily frustrated, sniffing, talking when it wasn’t hit turn and touching that microphone like 300 times during the 90 minute debate.

The “Tax Returns” really hit him hard and he rally didn’t have an answer for it, she nailed it and hurt him hard. Then when she brought up “Hacking” he slipped and stated “It could be some 400 lb kid in his moms basement” and last slap in the face was his thoughts on women.

So at the end of the battle, Clinton is one step closer to winning the war, she did win the debate and by large points IMO.