ISIS take a huge blow when leaving Falluja (Iraq) last night. Hundreds of militants killed by airstrikes.

It is not totally clear how effective the airstrike was, US and British aircraft and drones slammed a convoy of at least 120 vehicles, while ground artillery also was involved by Iraqi security forces. I heard just moments ago that CNN claimed over 100 dead while BBC International says the ISIS fighters killed in this attack could be up to 800.

isis bombed

The only certain news is that the ISIS terrorists/fighters are leaving the city of Falluja disorganized and in complete panic mode. However considering that ISIS is a group of at least 50,000 militants I would say that the attack was significant, but the allies have a very long way to go if they want to wipe out the terrorist group.

Not only does ISIS have the numbers in manpower, but they have the funding and the equipment to keep on fighting for months even years.